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Does your business and personal network support your rights?

The Fall and Winter season is the busy time of the year for firearm retailers, Black Friday even more so.  For years Wells Fargo and other banks were used as credit card processors.  At one company, the week before Black Friday, Wells Fargo notified them that they could not use their service anymore for online transactions, the majority of their business.  In less than a week, their payment processing system had to be changed so they could stay in business.

Most recently, Podium, a Utah-based company (you would think they would be firearm friendly!), after laying off 12% of their company, notified gun companies that their services would no longer be offered to them.  Overnight firearm companies had to change their marketing system.  Podium also made it difficult for those companies to extract THEIR customer data to continue their business.

The business that firearm companies rely on will remind their services at a moment’s notice, with no warning.  They do this without repercussions, which makes it very unfortunate to see. 

Maybe because it is personal, but I make a valiant effort to make sure that the companies I support and give my business to also support me and my rights.  It is almost (sadly, I think) a good idea to have the Bill of Rights listed out, with companies listed over the top and check boxes going down for which of our fundamental human rights those companies support.  

(Look at Twitter and their suppression of speech! eek!)

What is one to do in this day and age of activist corporations?  What are your thoughts?

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